Sitemap - 2024 - Moving Day

Why rising home insurance costs have consequences for the trillion dollar structured credit world

What a shortage of IV bags tells us about the impact of climate change on supply chains

What the 2008 financial crisis tells us about the looming threat to the municipal bond market

Why Naples FL Could Lead the Way on Climate Adaptation

A Taxpayer's Paradise

A Matter of Gravity: South Florida's canals can't take it any more

Florida Man Plans to Rebuild. And Then Build More.

Visible but ignored: The economic and political consequences of failing to plan ahead

[COPY] Municipal finance: Living in a bubble

Municipal finance: Living in a bubble

"This is our Sandy"

Safe as houses: How muni credit-rating agencies help keep the status quo in place

New Jersey is updating its land use requirements to incorporate climate risks

Sharing the pain: Commercial real estate operators struggle getting insurance too

Flashing red lights from Florida

Recent evidence points toward abrupt, irreversible sea level rise along the US coast

Visiting the future in Greenland

FIRE weather: Big insurance companies can see the risks on their books, but banks can't

Escalation of Commitment: Flood Insurance and the Florida Keys

It's called the Waterfront Wonderland for a reason

Making toxic pockets of residential real estate more visible

Why it could be important to include rapidly accelerating climate risks in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's "sustainable housing" mission

What is likely to be a stunning hurricane season will rattle housing markets

Alarm bells ringing for Fannie and Freddie

Warren Buffett and the Float

Careening, cascading risks of abrupt climate change

Betting on the Big Easy

Las Vegas is heating up faster than almost every other American city

"It's like two mortgages"

Two federal/state deals that aren't working well

They're never coming back

The fragility of Florida

All the risks

When the hole swallows the donut

Visiting the future

The possibility of spending big money on the wrong things

Not salty enough, not strong enough

How about a series of mini-GFCs?

Who ends up holding the bag when risky real estate markets collapse?

It Never Rains in Southern California

What the heck is happening with cat bonds?

Leadership for the Great Transition

Scientific reticence